Our Farms
Since the beginning of 2021 we have partnered with several flower-producing farms in Ecuador to be able to offer all our customers various products and a greater variety of flowers to satisfy their needs. All our associated farms have high quality certifications and pass rigorous tests to be exporters of flowers from Ecuador. All the farms that are part of MR Roses Farms are located in the highlands of Ecuador, and have production throughout the year. We have farms that produce ranunculus, roses, carnations, anemones, fillers, dianthus, delphinium, astrantias, scoops, foliage, and our line of greens. If you need a product that you don't see listed here, please contact us and we can get it for you! Our greenhouses are built using the latest technology available in the Rose Industry. We are constantly upgrading the equipment we use to grow our roses in keeping updated with the industry advancements. We are equipped with post harvest rooms, cold rooms, packaging rooms, and refrigerated transport. Our roses are hydrated using the drip-irrigation system using our natural source water reservoir of approximately 6000 square meters for every two hectares. Our farm is located approximately 45 minutes to the south of Quito; it is in between the city of Amaguana and Conocoto. Here we wanted to share some pictures of our roses on the field, and some other pictures of our farm.