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Love shown in many shapes & colors

Gold & Cream Bouquet


This bouquet is part of our beautiful New Generation Bouquets Collection. All of our arrangements are modern and unique. We use greens with different textures and shades.
All of our arrangements have heights and depths, all of them are designed with spaces to break the monotony of the old traditional arrangement.
This arrangement consists of 11 golden roses and 20 cream roses, the result is an elegant and ready to be used bouquet.

Shipping Information: 

We recommend selecting the delivery date TWO days ahead of the day of the event.  There could be delays with our courier partners and we don’t want you to be late with your flowers!  So please go ahead and select delivery date ahead of time!  Your flowers travel in cold and are hydrated beforehand, so they will last!

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This bouquet is part of our beautiful New Generation Bouquets Collection. All of our arrangements are modern and unique. We use greens with different textures and shades.
All of our arrangements have heights and depths, all of them are designed with spaces to break the monotony of the old traditional arrangement.
This arrangement consists of 11 golden roses and 20 cream roses, the result is an elegant and ready to be used bouquet.


Shipping Information: 

We recommend selecting the delivery date TWO days ahead of the day of the event.  There could be delays with our courier partners and we don’t want you to be late with your flowers!  So please go ahead and select delivery date ahead of time!  Your flowers travel in cold and are hydrated beforehand, so they will last!